WHAZZZ-UP?!! Yo; I'm Eugene Pereverzev(don't try to spell my lastname...I think it's bizzare, but who gives a shit?) Anyways; My favourite hobby is to hang around TV, Computer, Internet, and shit like that. I like the Dragonball Z shit ... I think it's cool (yeah-right!) I'm absessed with one character - Trunks. I think that he's fun & cool at the same time. I also LOOOVE GIRLSSS!! Oh yeah!!! I wish I'd have one (at least!)... But they never seem to give a shit about me (that's sux a lot!). So, if some hot chick will visit my site, I'm begging you: PLEEEASE e-mail me at e.pereverzev@eminem.com (By the way I'm 15 y/old. Have some muscles, and ready 2 fuck!). Anyways; I'm still workin' on my "Coolest" Site. But if you want some new episodes of Dragonball Z, just e-mail me. 'Cause I might send you some (or trade 4 somethin' cool too). I'm doin' that only because I (MYSELF) am tired of waiting while the FUCKIN' FUNimation, and YTV will get to the last episodes they have restarted. So I burned some episoned on CD's and my computer. That's the latest episodes of "THE GREAT SAYAMAN", and the beginning of "THE BOO SAGA". So, stick around, while I'll try 2 upload 'em into my site.(If I can). But if you're so fucked-up of waiting, like I am, then as I said: E-FUCKIN'MAIL ME!!! ...Whell, see yo later, then. | |
.:: Why It Sucks/Rocks To Be A Z Fighter ::.
Why It Sucks To Be A Z Fighter: 1. You may have a bitchy wife that forces your powerful son to study all the time when he could be saving the world.(by me) 2. In some cases, you could be wearing a tight, constricting spandex uniform.(by me) 3. So many enemies are after you. -Prakash Indulkar 4. Because one day your muscles are going to make your whole body explode. -Anonymous 5. You're always conscious to the fact that no matter how much you train, Goku will always be stronger then you. - DragoonLegend007 6. You can't be wished back to life more than once, if you die. - §§-Gogeta 7. Everyone will always think Mr. Satan saved the world, so you won't get any credit. - §§-Gogeta 8. You get you ass kicked a lot. Klyehmp 9. You get all the chicks looking at your ass. -§arah Submit Yours Why It Rocks To Be A Z Fighter: 1. You can be very powerful and boss people around. -Jeremy 2. You have got powers. - Kari Indulkar 3. You get to kill people. Klyehmp 4. It's cool to be a Z fighter cause you've got powers and you can fly. What more could you ask for? Rachelle 5. You get all the chicks looking at your ass. -§arah 6. You can blast anything up. -EstevesPOISON 7. You can make your hair golden. -Margie 8. You get to save the world and be friends with so many cool people. -lilpimp1881 Submit Yours